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8 pin DIN connector to 8 pin mini-DIN change

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:49 am
I am sorry that this topic might not be proper for this forum,
but I hope someone who can help me may be here.

Is it possible to change 8 pin DIN connector to 8 pin mini-DIN?

What I want to connect is a kind of electric thermometer that can connect to a pH testing device.
The device only has 8 pin mini-DIN port but I bought 8 pin DIN. The wrong connector.

So I disassembled the connector part.

8 pin DIN connecter has attached only 2 wires.
Red wire to #8 pin, Black wire to #4 pin.

Is it possible to change the connector to 8 pin mini-DIN?
And if so, which pin I have to attach the red and black wires?

Please somebody help me. Electronics is not my particular skill.