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Noob question - clap activated pcb

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 10:36 am
by Hpope

I was wondering if you might be able to help me. I have a miniature fairy garden diy kit that I have made and part of this are lights that turn on and off when you clap.

Unfortunately, the pcb/leds provided don't work for long as they are poor quality (I think it might be burning the led's out??). As you can tell I know nothing about electronics!!! but I would like to build my own PCB solution that works properly. Can anybody help me with this? Is there a kit I could buy, if not how would I go about creating this myself?

The finished PCB would have to be very small to fit in the fairy garden. It would need to power 2-5 leds and switch on and off when it detects a clap.

I’ve attached a pic of the pcb supplied.
IMG_0044.jpg (22.06 KiB) Viewed 32292 times
Many thanks in advance.

Re: Noob question - clap activated pcb

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:22 pm
by David

Presumably the LEDs go dim before going out permanently, and I would guess that the battery supply is weak. An examination to check that all the components are correctly inserted, with no shorts or unattached wiring is a good place to start. Try new batteries.

Many suppliers such as RS Components, and Farnell offer kits for small devices at reasonable cost. Try searching the net - with a bit of time you will probably have little difficulty in finding something that you can use. Try looking for "sound activated switches", "automatic acoustic switches" and similar things.

Hope this helps.