Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:28 pm
Hi everybody,
Maybe this Is a strange request but I have no other option.
I live In Belgium (Flanders) and I whas searching for some sort of electronics simulator.
I found one nl. 'Circuit Wizard pro' available and buyable from the store
Only problem Is that they refuse to ship to the mainland (they only ship to Ireland an Scotland and uk ofcours).
Is there a brave and loving soul who would help me (an across the channel neighbour ) acquire this piece of software.
There would be no risk for the buyer since I would pay the right amount plus shippingcosts ahead and In full confidence.
Kind regards and already thanks!!!
Yoeri Van Langenhove
Maybe this Is a strange request but I have no other option.
I live In Belgium (Flanders) and I whas searching for some sort of electronics simulator.
I found one nl. 'Circuit Wizard pro' available and buyable from the store
Only problem Is that they refuse to ship to the mainland (they only ship to Ireland an Scotland and uk ofcours).
Is there a brave and loving soul who would help me (an across the channel neighbour ) acquire this piece of software.
There would be no risk for the buyer since I would pay the right amount plus shippingcosts ahead and In full confidence.
Kind regards and already thanks!!!
Yoeri Van Langenhove