pb 503 proto board 10 k pot
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:16 pm
pb 503 proto board 10 k pot
have a 10k pot at high restance 20 percent more than it sound be even at zero .how can i fix it 

Re: pb 503 proto board 10 k pot
Not quite sure what you mean. If the pot is faulty, mend it with a new one. Remember that cheap pots will usually have a wide tolerance on the actual value of resistance.
Re: pb 503 proto board 10 k pot
Hi...if it showing 20% more then it means it is faulty. But check the specifications of your pot also, because some pots also have the tolerance property. May be you have that one with you.
prototype assembly
prototype assembly