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Help & Feedback for Electronics Assistant Software.
Post here if you need help, want to report a bug or have comments or suggestions for future releases.
Simon (Webmaster)
Site Admin
Posts: 173
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:05 pm
Location: Nottingham, UK

Please read before posting

Post by Simon (Webmaster) » Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:11 am

Welcome to the Electronics Assistant Support & Feedback Forum.

Please use this forum to discuss Electronics Assistant software, ask for help, suggest improvements or additions to future releases and report errors / problems etc. Any off-topic posts will be removed. Please put general questions, or feedback about the Electronics 2000 web site in the appropriate forum.

If you are asking a location-specific question please remember to tell us where you are! If possible please register rather than posting as a guest.

If you haven't already downloaded Electronics Assistant click 'downloads' on the menu at the top of this page to download it.
Simon Carter
Electronics 2000
