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IP Ratings

IP numbers are often quoted on enclosures, connectors etc to indicate protection from solids, liquids and impact. The table below gives a description of these ratings. Note that the third number, protection against impacts, is often omitted.

Protected against solid objects over 50mm 2
IP # First Number - Protection against solids Second Number - Protection against liquids Third Number - Protection against mechanical impacts (often omitted)
0 No Protection No Protection No Protection
1 Protected against vertically falling drops of water Protected against impact of 0.225 joules
Protected against solid objects over 12mm Protected against direct sprays up to 15 deg. from vertical Protected against impact of 0.375 joules
3 Protected against solid objects over 2.5mm Protected against direct sprays up to 60 deg. from vertical Protected against impact of 0.5 joules
4 Protected against solid objects over 1mm Protected against direct sprays from all directions - limited ingress permitted Protected against impact of 2.0 joules
5 Protected against dust - limited ingress permitted Protected against low pressure jets from all directions - limited ingress permitted Protected against impact of 6.0 joules
6 Totally protected against dust Protected against strong jets from all directions - limited ingress permitted Protected against impact of 20.0 joules
7   Protected against effects of immersion from 15cm - 1m  
8   Protected against long periods of immersion under pressure  

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